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Can erectile dysfunction be linked to sciatic problems?

My husband has been having problems with his sciatic nerve and has been going for treatment and acupuncture. He keeps developing a pain in his groin that stems from the sciatic region. Could it cause...

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How do you get a sample pack of Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra?

Is it as simple as telling your doctor that your having problems or do they run test? Can you get only one sample pack at a time or can I try all three brands at once with the online vouchers? Chosen...

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How would you know if your husband has erectile dysfunction?

He claims he has it but I wanted to know what medical tests could be done to find out the truth. Can diabetes be a reason for such disability? Chosen Answer: Diabetes is a reason for ED. but here is a...

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what does sexual councelling involve?

I suffer from impotence but the doctor says it’s completely pschological due to blood test results. He gave me cialis which i took when I thought I was going to have sex. I felt it was workign though I...

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Once again, preventing pregnancy is not a health issue is it?

http://news.yahoo.com/u-health-body-recommends-birth-control-coverage-181409769.html Birth control is not treating a medical condition. Treating a medical condition should be the litmus test for health...

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can a blood test detect cialis?

i took some cialis on friday and will be getting a blood test on monday, my question is will the doctors be able to see that ive taken this by taking my blood? ino cialis last 36 hours but dunno about...

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What do the doctors do if you say yes to being sexually active at a physical?

I’ve always wondered what do doctors do if a teen at a physical say yes to being sexually active. Can anyone tell me? Guy and girl. Thanks Chosen Answer: sacha does not know what she is talking about...

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Can “cialis” be detected in a drug swab test?

I took cialis on saturday night, then I took a swab drug test, DNA test on tuesday, from the life insurance guy. I am barely getting the insurance for the first time together with my parents insurance....

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ERectile Dysfunction at 24 why?

Ive had HBP since 21 and currently take Losartan 100, HCTZ 25 and 12.5mg of Toprol XL to control it. Starting about a year ago I completely stopped having morning erections and then just in general my...

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